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Results for Los Serranos C.C. (South) played on 12/1/2018     Folga Cup Points: 10   Avg Gross: 97  Avg Net: 80
Course History   |   FOLGA Cup Standings
(Click on person's Last Name to see all rounds played for that person.)
Last Name First Name City, St Score Hdcp Net FOLGA Cup
Klos Adrian Orange, CA 91 0 91 0 75 Won CTP #12
Barba Art Rancho Cucamonga, CA 94 26 68 240 64
Franchimone Chris Anaheim, CA 102 18 84 50 63
Jones Dan Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 91 0 91 0 67
Morales Danny Cerritos, CA 97 0 97 0 99 Won CTP #17
Ligenfelter David Cerritos, CA 96 0 96 0 99
Kent Don City of Industry, CA 125 24 101 10 99
Mills Doug Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 92 13 79 130 67
Vieira Fr. John Ontario, CA 120 23 97 20 70
Gaspar Frank Ontario, CA 83 6 77 160 64
Medina Frank Huntington Beach, CA 97 17 80 110 64
Gaspar George Chino, CA 105 23 82 90 68
Marrujo Gregory Riverside, CA 96 17 79 130 75
Velzaquez Javier Cerritos, CA 94 0 94 0 99
Toledo Joe Chino, CA 92 16 76 180 70
Sousa Joe Chino, CA 97 21 76 180 68
Scott John Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 82 11 71 230 63 Won CTP #6
Dennis John Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 95 0 95 0 63
Barcellos Johnny Cerritos, CA 96 13 83 70 64
Gimm Jonathon City of Industry, CA 100 0 100 0 99
Warren Ken Riverside, CA 85 11 74 200 64
Agorrilla Kevin Irvine, CA 84 11 73 210 67
Baca Larry Chino Hills, Ca 94 20 74 200 68
Cabral Manuel Artesia, CA 85 14 71 230 64
Buckley Mark Chino Hills, CA 84 0 84 0 67
Olivares Martin La Verne, CA 113 0 113 0 68
Serrato Miguel Orange, CA 97 15 82 90 75
Jones Pat Fontana, CA 108 22 86 40 64
Campo Paul Chino, CA 124 0 124 0 64
Siler Paul Garden Grove, CA 94 13 81 100 64 Won CTP #9
Martinez Philip Cerritos, CA 91 0 91 0 99
Lewis Rob Rancho Cucamonga, CA 126 35 91 30 70
Morrison Robbie Ontario, CA 106 0 106 0 70
Guzman Roman Downey, Ca 98 15 83 70 63
McKenney Scott Orange, CA 100 0 100 0 75
Jurado Sinjin Rancho Cucamonga, CA 100 0 100 0 99
Pambianco Thomas Apple Valley, CA 90 13 77 160 64
Carter Tim Riverside, CA 94 16 78 140 64
Total: 38
If your score is in bold blue, your posting score was adjusted according to USGA's ESC guidelines. Click here for more into.