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Results for El Prado (Butterfield Stage) played on 12/17/2011     Folga Cup Points: 5   Avg Gross: 97.76  Avg Net: 83.23
Course History   |   FOLGA Cup Standings
(Click on person's Last Name to see all rounds played for that person.)
Last Name First Name City, St Score Hdcp Net FOLGA Cup
Baca Larry Chino Hills, Ca 105 19 86 15 0
Batista Gerard Azusa, CA 104 22 82 25 0
Campagna Ed Chino, Ca. 86 13 73 60 0 Won CTP #8
Castanon Sandra Ontario, CA 150 0 150 5 0
Gaspar George Chino, CA 99 18 81 30 0
Jones Pat Fontana, CA 98 29 69 85 0
Mader David Anaheim, CA 95 18 77 55 0
McLeod Steve Chino Hills, CA 84 7 77 55 0
Mcleod Matt Chino Hills, CA 79 0 79 45 0
Muela Robert Montclair, CA 119 0 119 10 0 Won CTP #5
Nakamura Andrew Long Beach, CA 76 5 71 70 0
Pimentel Manuel Mira Loma, CA 107 25 82 25 0
Serrato Miguel Orange, CA 96 17 79 45 0 Won CTP #11 - 2011 Club Champion!
Sousa Joe Chino, CA 93 24 69 85 0
Taylor Lawrence Covina, CA 91 20 71 70 0
Toledo Joe Chino, CA 85 15 70 75 1
Van Hecke Brad Chino, Ca 95 15 80 35 0
Total: 17