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Results for Yucaipa Valley G.C. played on 9/8/2012     Folga Cup Points: 5   Avg Gross: 94.00  Avg Net: 81.00
Course History   |   FOLGA Cup Standings
(Click on person's Last Name to see all rounds played for that person.)
Last Name First Name City, St Score Hdcp Net FOLGA Cup
Gilpin Ashley Chino, Ca 89 0 89 0 70
Van Hecke Brad Chino, Ca 89 15 74 70 60 Won CTP #13
Masters Brad Chino, ca 92 0 92 0 70 Won CTP #16
Gaspar Frank Ontario, CA 74 7 67 85 65 Won CTP #3
Madruga George Cerritos, CA 97 20 77 45 62
Gaspar George Chino, CA 92 18 74 70 62
Hazelrigg Jack Chino Hills, CA 106 22 84 20 59
Schons Jeff Ontario, CA 115 0 115 5 61
Toledo Joe Chino, CA 88 13 75 60 61
DiCarlo Joe Upland, CA 107 0 107 10 65
Infante Jose La Crescenta, CA 88 19 69 80 61
Reid Kevin Chino Hills, CA 90 15 75 60 62
Taylor Lawrence Covina, CA 94 21 73 75 60
McLeod Matt Chino Hills, CA 78 12 66 90 59
Serrato Miguel Orange, CA 96 17 79 35 62
Jones Pat Fontana, CA 100 20 80 30 60
Moretta Pat Chino, CA 102 25 77 45 65
Han Phillip Chino, ca 80 0 80 0 59 Win CTP #8
Redmond Rich Santa Ana, CA 76 0 76 50 70
McLeod Steve Chino Hills, CA 88 8 80 30 59
Schons Tony Ontario, CA 103 0 103 15 61
Total: 21