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Results for The Golf Club at Rancho California played on 2/8/2009     Folga Cup Points: 5   Avg Gross: 99.42  Avg Net: 79.10
Course History   |   FOLGA Cup Standings
(Click on person's Last Name to see all rounds played for that person.)
Last Name First Name City, St Score Hdcp Net FOLGA Cup
Van Hecke Brad Chino, Ca 99 12 87 10
Bunch Carl Upland, CA 85 7 78 50
Perini Cesar Artesia, CA 93 17 76 65
Mills Doug Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 88 15 73 95 Won CTP #7
Campagna Edward Chino, Ca. 89 10 79 45
Gaspar Frank Ontario, CA 87 6 81 40
Gaspar George Chino, CA 98 17 81 40
Madruga George Cerritos, CA 95 21 74 90
Batista Gerard Azusa, CA 107 23 84 25
Toledo Joe Chino, CA 96 12 84 25 Won CTP #15
Sousa Joe Chino, CA 114 28 86 15
Strickland II John Chino, CA 114 27 87 10
Baca Larry Chino Hills, Ca 94 20 74 90
Gonsalves Manuel Chino, CA 101 26 75 75
Pimentel Manuel Mira Loma, CA 101 27 74 90
Duarte Max Chino, CA 118 43 75 75 Won CTP #11
Borba Michael Artesia, CA 106 29 77 60 Won CTP #1
Lara Michael Alhambra, CA 88 0 88
Serrato Miguel Orange, CA 98 21 77 60
Jones Pat Fontana, CA 107 0 107
Green Wes Fountain Valley, CA 106 25 81 40
Total: 21